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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Update on my Crucifixion Post and Update on Me

I was searching for a picture for my post called The True Image of the Crucifixion, I described what happens to someone when they are hung on a cross.

I found an image that I saw weeks ago, but couldn't find again.  I found it while researching some more crucifixion images.
You're probably wondering what's going on with my mental health.  I saw my family doctor today to discuss a change of mediation.  I had been taking 30 mg of Prozac (20 and a 10 mg) for about 5 years now, which is about the time it stops working for someone.

Today, he instructed me to start only taking the 20 mg, and 10 mg of a new drug called Viibryd, which is another SSRI, but supposedly doesn't have the side effects of Prozac (weight gain, concentration issues, etc).  I will be weening myself off of Prozac for about a week, then start 20 mg of Viibryd next week.  The week after that, I'll be on 40 mg of Viibryl until I need another medication change.

I've read mixed reviews on this medicine.  Some people are saying it made them gain massive amounts of weight, some say they lost weight.  Some say it didn't help at at, or made it worse, and some said it was a life saver.  Let's all hope it works.

I've been gaining weight again since I quit taking Adderall because it sent me to the hospital last April for a racing heart.  Adderall is a amphetamine, and one of the side effects is weight loss.  Since I was taking Adderall and Prozac at the same time, they kind of cancelled out.  Now since I'm off Adderall, I've gained weight.

Please continue praying for my recovery, and help me beat this demon.


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