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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I'll have some Ham on Nye

I'm so glad that I haven't seen any of my friends say anything negative about my faith here in Facebook after the "Ham on Nye" debate last night.  I feel like I should comment on the debate.

First of all, Nye completely trashed Ham.  But neither one was a winner.  There were two completely different agendas being pitted against each other.  First, Ham's agenda was to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Since I am a Bible-believing, whole-hearted Christian, naturally I was drawn to what he said.  However, Nye's agenda was to promote natural sciences.  I don't believe that Ham wanted to tear down Nye's science, but I did think that Nye wanted to tear down Ham's Christian views.

I saw the conversation like this.

Ham: GOD.
Nye: Where's your evidence?
Ham: GOD.
Nye: Where's your evidence?
Ham: GOD.
Nye: Where's your evidence?

I have many friends in different faiths, and some in no faiths at all.  I have Lutheran friends, Methodist friends, Presbyterian friends, neo-pagan friends, friends who have "Tree" listed as their religion (whatever that is), Catholic friends, Buddhist friends, and many others.  Yes, I've heard some hateful things about Christianity from some of them in the past, and they have affected me deeply, knowing full well that I take my faith seriously...but I haven't said a word to them.  There was a time a few weeks ago where my inner circle of friends gathered at my apartment, and things were said about the lack of God that upset me for the rest of the night.  It hurt me.  Of course, I kept my mouth shut because I'm that kind of person.

What I am glad about is this: I haven't seen anything negative about my faith and Christianity from these friends on Facebook.

I believe this: I don't believe in using the Bible to date events like the beginning of creation.  I believe God used an evolutionary process to create life on Earth.  I don't believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old.  I believe in the Big Bang theory.  I believe we, as humans, evolved from a primate species that evolved over time.  "Adam" was the first homo sapien who God made self aware through an evolutionary process (I don't know if it's the same evolution that Darwin talks about, but I believe that we as humans have evolved intellectually somewhere down the line).  

I pray that my friends continue to respect my faith and my beliefs.

1 comment:

  1. I love this viewpoint. Sums up the debate perfectly. The amount of respect Nye and Ham had for each other definitely showed in their arguments as well in this post. Great post my friend.
