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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Is Jesus Real?

Interesting Q/A from The Lutheran Hour broadcast on Sunday mornings on 650AM WSM.

For the past few weeks they've been answering questions about Christmas.  Today's question was in regards to the actual date of Christ's birth.  Wasn't December 25th a pagan festival?

-Jesus' real life, real death, and real resurrection are important for our lives.  However, I don't think it really matters what date it was on, as long as it was completed.

-Early Christians didn't have a specific date to celebrate the birth of Christ (there was no Twitter back then).

@TheRealGod4857*: Yay!! Son just #born! He will somday #save u.

Here is what really interested me.  Just because Dec. 25 is borrowed from a pagan festival, this proves Christianity is another human-created religion trying to get power.

There are over 24,000 pieces of documents of eye witness accounts and facts.  

There are only 49 ancient documents about Aristotle.

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*Not a real Twitter account.


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