As I'm writing this right now at 10:22 am, I'm listening to Mrs. Laura Bush make a speech at the
crash site in Pennsylvania.
I was sitting in Mrs. Ogle's 4th grade class at Enterprise Elementary doing some math warmups for the day at about 9:30. Mrs. Cook-Porter, the principal, came into the room and turned on the old television. What I saw was amazing. At first, I couldn't recognize what that building on fire was. Then I heard Katie Couric say that it was the twin towers. I only saw one of them though!!!!
I knew what the twin towers were, but I only saw one. I then realized the other one was gone.
What was happening?
I continued to watch the footage that was shown on the television, I specifically remember drawing a picture of what I was seeing. The picture is now long gone, but I still remember drawing the picture.
Two hours later, the television was turned down, and we were back to doing the math warmups we were doing beforehand.
I have to give kudos to Mrs. Ogle and Mrs. Cook-Porter for not breaking down and crying. They were both really strong. As the room sat in silence, .....
I just heard Mrs. Michelle Obama state that a rich couple has given interest free loans to people who were severely affected by the crash of flight 93.
I forgot what I was going to say though, so I'll leave you all with this.
Do something productive on this beautiful Saturday morning. Help that old lady across the street, pick up that piece of trash. Also, pray. And God Bless You, and God Bless America.
Thank you.
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