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Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Feeding of the 45,026

I love it when things in the Bible suddenly stand out to me that I hadn't noticed before.

Today while reading the KJV of Matthew's account of Jesus feeding the five thousand, something stood out to me. It says, "And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, besides women and children."

Notice, "besides women and children." This is what got me.

Now let's say each man had one wife and three kids.
1 man
1 wife
3 kids

Take all this, and multiply it by 5000 (the number of men).

We get...

5,000 men
5,000 women
15,000 kids.

Add all these up, and we get...(drumroll please)....25,000 people. Now, add in the 12 disciples and Jesus. 25,013 people fed.

Now, let's do the same for chapter 15's feeding of the 4000 men.

4,000 men
4,000 women
12,000 kids

We get a total of 20,000 people being fed. Now add the 12 disciples and Jesus. 20,013.

Add both chapter 14 and chapter 15's numbers together. Let's say that no person has been fed in both occasions, except the disciples and Jesus. We get, 45,026 people being fed.

So why do we say "the feeding of the 5,000" instead of the "feeding of the 37,000?"


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